Bacon, Joey & Julie - MISSION DIRECTOR

August 2015 Brother Joey Bacon assumed the position of the WBF Mission Director at which time Brother Tommy Raley became the Mission Representative for the World Baptist Fellowship. 

Brother Bacon was saved at the age of 6 years old at his home in Big Spring, Texas. At the time, his family was on furlough from the mission field. Brother Bacon had the privilege of growing up in Colombia, South America for 10 years, and then spending 2 years in Saltillo, Mexico where his parents Gary and Monnie Bacon served as WBF missionaries. After returning to Big Spring, Texas from Mexico in 1992, Brother Bacon became very active in the Trinity Baptist Church Youth Dept. At the age of 17, at a winter retreat in New Mexico, he surrendered his life to full-time ministry. 

Brother Bacon attended Arlington Baptist College, where he met a beautiful, godly young lady named Julie. Julie was saved at the age of 15. She later surrendered to the ministry at the age of 16 while attending church in Wichita Falls, Texas. Brother Joey & Julie were married in June of 1998, and they both graduated from Arlington Baptist College in May of 1999. 

They served as Youth Directors at the Rolling Hills Baptist Church in Lancaster, Texas from 1997-1999, and then were called as Youth Directors/Minister of Music/Associate Pastor at the Franklin Baptist Church in Franklin, Ohio. Brother Bacon was called as Pastor of Franklin Baptist Church in 2003. In August of 2006, the Bacons were called to serve at Trinity Baptist Church in Big Spring as Associate Pastor until being called to serve as the WBF Mission Director. 

Brother Bacon and Julie have two beautiful daughters, a wonderful son-in-law, and a precious granddaughter, who all love serving the Lord. Brother Bacon's favorite verse is Acts 20:24 “But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.” Julie’s favorite verse of scripture is Proverbs 3:5, 6 “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Their goal in ministry is to be committed soldiers of the Lord Jesus Christ, serving wherever, whenever, whoever, and however the Lord may lead.


BIRTHDAYS: Joey 4-5 / Julie 1-15


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