The World Baptist Fellowship Mission program owes its origin to great men who saw the urgent need of a world-wide Fundamental Baptist testimony in this age of apostasy. Dr. J. Frank Norris and Dr. C.P. Stealey (both deceased) led in the formation of the foreign mission agency known as the World Fundamental Baptist Missionary Fellowship, now the World Baptist Fellowship. A Theological School, the Fundamental Baptist Bible Institute, was founded by Dr. J. Frank Norris and Dr. Louis Entzminger to teach and train missionaries, Christian workers, and ministers. Both of these organizations were founded to give a testimony which is true to the Bible, sound in doctrine, and Biblical in method.

The purpose of the Mission Fellowship, as seen by its name, is to help fulfill our Lord's great commission by evangelizing the world in the preparation of a trained ministry and the establishing of indigenous Baptist Churches.

The World Baptist Fellowship Mission Agency is unique in its organization and operation. It is an Independent Baptist Mission agency operated at the home base by the Mission Committee which is composed of consecrated Baptist pastors who serve without remuneration.

It is the purpose of the World Baptist Fellowship Mission Agency to serve as a channel through which independent Baptist churches may cooperate in sound Baptist missionary activities. It believes in conformity with the Scriptural example of Acts, chapter 13; i.e., that it is the function of the local church to authorize and send forth its own missionaries. The World Baptist Fellowship Mission Agency has encouraged and promoted this principle.

Therefore, to become eligible for appointment under the World Baptist Fellowship, every missionary candidate must be a member of and be authorized by a World Baptist Fellowship church or an approved Baptist church.

Thus, a vital relationship is established and maintained between the missionary on the field and the authorizing church at home. If and when problems arise which concern one of the missionaries, the pastor of the authorizing church is always contacted before any action is taken. Because of this policy, every authorizing and supporting church, as well as every authorized missionary, becomes an integral part of the World Baptist Fellowship mission family. In this we see the modern operation of the Scriptural method of missionary enterprise.

The Mission Committee meets four times each year. Meetings are held at both the spring and fall Fellowship meetings which convene in the months of April and October. The Committee also meets between the national Fellowship meetings in February and August. At the August meeting, the Annual Missionary Seminar is conducted.