basic requirements for becoming a wbfma missionarY

  • Must be a born-again child of God (John 3:5). A genuinely converted person of clean wholesome spiritual life, witnessing to the lost at every opportunity and having a sincere love for souls.

  • Must have a clear conviction about the call of God to the mission field to preach the Gospel; however, realizing that there are other areas of service supportive of missionary work, other such supportive services will be considered.

  • Must be a Baptist by conviction, holding membership in an approved Independent Baptist church (in both name and practice) and being familiar with both Baptist polity and policies and Baptist history and distinctives.

    Note: It is understood and expected that the local churches reproduced under the leadership of WBF missionaries will be identified as Baptist in both name and practice. 

    Note: In the English-speaking countries of the world, our missionaries will teach and preach exclusively from the King James Version of the Bible. When distributing Bibles in the English language, every effort should be made to exclusively distribute the King James Version of the Bible. This is not only by reason of conviction, but for the sake of consistency in teaching and in encouraging Bible memorization.

  • Must be in agreement with our doctrinal position.

  • Must be in agreement with our Practices and Principles.

  • Must be willing to carry out the Missions Indigenous Church Policy.

  • Must be willing to adhere to principles of personal and ecclesiastical separation, maintaining a testimony that is above reproach. Please review our Practices and Principles for a complete explanation.

  • Must meet missionary health requirements and give satisfactory evidence of mental aptitude and social compatibility.

  • Must have a high school diploma or its equivalent. Must have a diploma or certificate from some acceptable Bible institute, college, or seminary. Five years of full time Christian service may be accepted in lieu of educational requirements.

  • Because of possible complications and the testimony on the field, no missionary or missionary couple shall be approved for missionary service who have been previously divorced.

  • Non-United States citizens will be considered on a case-by-case basis on certain conditions. Please review our Practices and Principles for a complete explanation.

Please click here to review our complete Practices and Principles.