Brim, Frank & Darla - BRAZIL

Frank was approved as a World Baptist Fellowship missionary in August, 1990. Darla was approved in August,1992. Both Frank and Darla grew up in pastors' homes.

Frank was saved in 1972 after being shown the plan of salvation by his mother. He surrendered to the call of missions during a mission conference at the age of fifteen. He is a 1988 graduate of Arlington Baptist College.

Darla's parents led her to the Lord in their home when she was 9 years old. At that same age she was exposed to missions on a visit to Mexico with them. During another visit to Mexico on spring break in 1991 God confirmed His call to her for missions.

Frank and Darla left for their first term of service in Brazil in February, 1994. Their sending church is Chichester Baptist Church in Aston, Pennsylvania.



Frank 8-14 / Darla 3-14

Campbell 4-9-1995 / Caitlinn 4-9-1997

Sofia 3-9-2000 / Stefan 9-1-2005


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