Brown, Ernie & Monoka - U.S. HISPANIC MINISTRY

The Browns were approved as World Baptist Fellowship missionaries to Hawaii in May, 1972. There they were involved in church building and a radio ministry.

In October, 1987 their hearts were challenged for Liberia, West Africa. After several years of trying to go to this country, they were forced to change fields once more. In June, 1993, after learning the Spanish language, Ernie and Monoka arrived in Quito, Ecuador. Due to health reasons, Ernie and Monoka are unable to live in Ecuador. They have transitioned to starting a Hispanic Ministry in Massillon, Ohio, through their sending church, while making trips to Ecuador throughout the year as health permits, to continue being involved in the Bible Institute and ministry there.

Ernie was saved in the summer of 1956 at the age of six. He is a 1972 graduate of Arlington Baptist Schools. Monoka was saved at age eleven in the spring of 1960. She also attended Arlington Baptist Schools.

Ernie and Monoka were married in Massillon, Ohio June 14, 1969. Their sending church is the Massillon Baptist Church of Massillon, Ohio. The Browns have two children, Tami and Troy.


BIRTHDAYS: Ernie 1-8 / Monoka 8-10


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